Sunday, June 29, 2003

Rich Shockey:

>Does anyone have a perspective on what's happening with Bell South and

I do ..for the obvious reasons of who I work for ..but a strong disclaimer
is in opinions here are not that of my employer ..NANPA etal etc..

In fact ignore my sig file

beyond of better stories about the issues was here

at this time its a bit of a the tempest in a teapot ... its a LEC using the
system to try and screw up with emerging VoIP carriers like Vonage. Bell
South says they do now want to impead competition but we all know better
than that.

Vonage gets telephone numbers for its service though perfectly legal
retail/wholesale agreements with CLECS in the rate centers where they are
operating.. the CLEC's are then responsible for all the usual fees and
reporting requirements carriers have .

There is modest concern that since lots of people might opt for a 212 408
area code that could put NYC San Jose into number exaust again and force a
new overlay code but the chances of that happening now is very low.

This is going no where....

ATT actually put Bell South in its place

The NANP is doing fine ..between pooling and 1st 2nd line disconnects
wireless overlay codes we are now recovering more numbers than we actually
use ..and if we went to national 10 digit dialing we could increase the
pool by 20% remember the first digit of any 7 digit local number cannot
be 1 or 0

The current projection of NANP exhaust is 2025

What it is illustrative of is the looming fear the LEC's have about their
businesses ..they are in trouble, they know it and the worst is yet to come.

Roxanne Googan and Susan Kalla were optimists..

This is just the first salvo in the upcoming saga of whining moaning
groaning by the BOC's as SIP deploys ( MS Greenwich is due in July) and
evidence from Japan continues to mount that the revolution is underway
there. the numbers from Yahoo Japan are just stunning 69% in subscribers
from the previous quarter VoIP bundeled in 30% market share for DSL in
Japan ...totally undercutting NTT frankly I never thought it could happen

There is reports out there that NTT has completely halted new investment in
their TDM network and I have seen with my eyes multiple platoons of NTT
engineers from every division of the company fanning out in IETF and VON

Our industry must, however remain ever vigilant in the upcoming months
because this is not the last we are going to hear on this subject.

And of course UNEp ruling is due Feb 20

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