Monday, February 02, 2004

TCS: Tech Central Station - Voice Over the Internet: Let It Fly

TCS: Tech Central Station - Voice Over the Internet: Let It Fly:

"A big reason the Internet has taken off is that government has kept out of the way. Hands-off is always the best policy for a new technology. It lets innovators innovate and investors avoid the extra risks of special taxes and rules.

Consider aviation. Last month marked the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers' Kitty Hawk flight -- which created entire industries, lifted the U.S. economy to new heights, changed the world.

But imagine if railroad regulators had burdened Wilbur and Orville and their successors with regulations requiring planes to have brake lights, whistles and a caboose and charging them a few cents for every mile of 'track' traveled in the air. Aviation would have been set back decades."

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