Friday, April 01, 2005

ITU and ICANN merge 

From ICANN watch:

ICANN and ITU announced that Mr Bernie Ebbers has been retained as a
consultant for the development of reporting guidelines for operators.

ICANN, ITU merge
posted by Mueller <> on Friday April 01
2005, @04:18AM

ICANN and ITU today jointly announced that they have signed an MoU which
cancels and supersedes the existing MoU between ICANN and the US
Department of Commerce.

A senior member of ICANN stated that ICANN looked forward to adopting
some of the ITU's well-proven practices, notably charging for membership
and charging for access to documents, in order to recover publication
costs and ease budget pressures.

A senior member of the ITU stated that ITU looked forward to adopting
some of ICANN's well-proven practices, notably by charging two US cents
per year for each telephone number, which would greatly alleviate the
ITU's budget and permit significant actions to help bridge the digital
divide. Other ICANN practices to be adopted by the ITU would include
mandatory publication of the names and addresses of owners of telephone
numbers, outsourcing policies regarding spectrum allocation to private
forums composed of the concerned operators, and requiring operators to
provide business plans and financial data.

ICANN and ITU announced that Mr Bernie Ebbers has been retained as a
consultant for the development of reporting guidelines for operators.


I missed the liason report that most surely have preceeded this merger.
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